Table of Contents

Part A..



Older Adults.


Part B..

NSW Children's Commissioner


The Role of the Nurse in Suicide Prevention and Promoting Mental Health.


Mental Health Promotion - Part A

Recent suicide statistics in Australia indicate that suicide rates are more than 50 % greater for areas beyond the capital city at 15.3 suicides per 100,000 populations. Geographical differences in regional and foreign trends of suicide rates suggest that social influences are likely to relate as, if not more than, human variables (Robert, 2017). The elevated levels of emotional illness in socioeconomic settings, for example, that are socially dysfunctional, jobless and financially disadvantageous. Often correlated with suicide were relative socioeconomic weaknesses, with rising socioeconomic disadvantage correlated with higher suicide levels by most poor people in the social domain. The challenge in incorporating social determinant system into policy and action is a significant unsolved issue in suicide prevention. The World Health Organization (WHO) gathered and analyzed in 2008 proof of the social causes in health and presented main policy suggestions in its 'Closing the distance in a generation: Health equality through intervention on the social problems' study. In a recent study on suicide entitled "Reduction of Suicide: A Global Imperative," there was no reference in the list of standard elements of systematic regional suicide prevention approaches of the value of tackling social determinants (Torres, 2016).

Throughout Australia, the latest suicide reduction approaches generally eliminate suicide social determinants, throughout favor of a multicomponent 'program strategy,' intended to enhance integration of established initiatives in suicide prevention, including as mental health care, gatekeeper preparation, civic and school outreach and proactive media coverage. Such activities are essential and new approaches provide much required collaboration and alignment of integrated programs (Robert, 2017). Although this study has enhanced awareness of the social determinants that lead to the likelihood of suicide in rural populations, it fails to take note of the nuanced ways different suicide determinants overlap or differences between social classes and rural communities.


Suicide is one of the main causes of death for people worldwide and around the world. Australia's new figures suggest that men account for three-quarters of all suicidal suicides, whereas the main cause of death among British men under the age of 35 is suicidal. Young people are especially prone to suicide, the world's second highest mortality factor (after unnatural death) and Australia's primary source of premature mortality (WHO, 2018).


The levels of teenage suicide have increasingly risen globally and young people in one third of all countries (both developing including emerging) currently pose the greatest risk of suicide. Every year, at least 100,000 teenagers suffer from suicide and suicide rates among the five leading causes of death between 15 and 19 years of age worldwide (Torres, 2016). Throughout Australia, latest research indicates that depression is the primary cause of death for Australians between 15 to 24 years of age, responsible for 22% to 24% of all deaths. In 2010, suicide deaths aged 15-19 and 183 of those from 20-24 years old were 113 (Torres, 2016).

Older Adults

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the suicidal rates are higher in the aged and suicides of older people in Australia are close to those of youngsters. These causes, including mental wellbeing (most notably depression), the physical and cognitive disorders and the effects of traumatic life experiences, like duel, have been proposed as threats for the elder and they are vulnerable to suicide.


Suicide remains a significant issue in public wellbeing and avoidance is an essential factor in the advancement of mental health. The key cause of early mortality in Australia is intentional self-harm. 3128 deaths (coding group for deaths related to suicide), reflecting an estimated death rate of 12.6 per 100,000, were reported in 2017 as intentional self-harm (Robert, 2017). That is equal to around 8.6 deaths a day and an improvement from the previous year of 9 percent. All jurisdictions registered a rise in suicide-related deaths in the subsequent year, except Tasmania, Victoria and South Australia; Queensland posted the largest increases (804 deaths in 2017 relative to 674 in 2016) (Robert, 2017). In 2017, both males and females recorded the largest proportion of deaths from suicide in the 45-49-year age range. The mortality rate of suicide for males was more than twice that for females, while males account for 75.1% of all fatalities (Robert, 2017). In average, the suicide trigger is the most common cause of death for young adults, who have sacrificed 34.5 years of their lives by suicide in 2017 (Torres, 2016). Age people still have one of the highest levels of suicide in certain parts of the country, with a growing amount of suicidal reports of older populations such as nursing homes.

This refers particularly to the elderly population of Australia. About one million people die each year as a result of suicide, and other nations such as Canada, Japan, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands consider suicide prevention as one of their main public health goals. In New Zealand the maximum suicide rate among medium- as well as high-income countries is actually reported. In fact, suicide death data are constrained in certain cases (and in particular in low and middle income countries) by social, cultural or political factors and variations in the way suicide death data are obtained. It indicates a slightly greater number of fatalities attributed to suicide than publicly recorded. Suicide attempts may be reliably documented with significant challenges, as even certain medical-care initiatives that actually compensate only for around 30% of all suicide attempts are reported (Torres, 2016).

Risk factors are characteristics that render it more probable to develop, attempt, or perish through suicide. Protective factors are features which make it less probable that people would take suicide into consideration, attempt or die. Different types of vulnerability and preventive factors are identified: adult (e.g., biology, behavioral illnesses, personality traits), family (e.g. , depression, cohesion) and society (e.g. the provision of access to mental health). These could be set (such issues as the family history of suicide, which are difficult to change) or modifiable (such factors as depression).

One study showed that the probability of suicide for those who tried suicide was 38 times higher than among the depression-free and drug-free, and 6-fold higher for those who had not consumed alcohol, for depression to die. Many studies showed that mood disturbances and people with exposure to dangerous weapons have a significantly greater probability of suicide than those with no mood problems and no exposure to lethal devices.

For prevention of suicide for persons and populations, vulnerability and protective factors are important. Significant threats include potential suicidal attempt(s), mood disturbances, and substance misuse. Good mental wellbeing treatment, accessibility, problem-solving capabilities and interactions with community professionals are essential security factors. The intervention goals include threats and beneficial factors. In general, decreasing risk factors decreases danger; rising protective factors decreases risk generally. A comprehensive preparation phase to define and prioritize individual risk and beneficial variables for action will initiate suicide reduction initiatives (Torres, 2016).

Mental Health Promotion - Part B

Australia was one of the first nations to implement a globally organized suicide reduction strategy with the implementation of the National Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy (NYSPS). The National Suicide Prevention Strategy (NSPS) running between 1995 and 1999 succeeded the NYSPS in 2000. The NSPS has not only increased its emphasis on suicide prevention over its history, but also always taken into consideration other populations at risk (InPsych, 2016). The NSPS's goal is to minimize mortality from suicide and suicidal behavior, through the implementation of a Community-wide suicide reduction strategy to increase mutual awareness of and causes of suicide.

Increased care and recognition by supporting and reviewing initiatives to improve or advise the development of improved treatment services for individuals, families and groups impacted by depression or suicidal behavior. The NSPS 'key targets are:

  • Develop human power and self-help ability
  • Enhance group energy, endurance and suicide reduction power
  • Enter targeted operations on suicide prevention
  • Implementing suicide intervention requirements and consistency
  • Consider a concerted suicide reduction plan
  • Better knowledge and suicide reduction awareness

Generic approaches address whole communities in order to reduce threats and boost safety factors for the whole community. These solutions usually involve (but are not restricted to) limiting exposure to suicidal tools, increasing the public reporting of suicidal and informing the population to avoid suicide. Subgroup whose participants are failed to exhibit suicidal behavior, but have proximal or distal risk factors predisposing them to do so in the future, seek specific approaches. This may provide preparation as gatekeeper or services to track individuals considered to be at high risk (Robert, 2017). The treatments listed above are meant for any individuals who have already started to experience suicidal feelings or activities through diagnostic services or a therapeutic evaluation which may often provide psychiatric or pharmacological care of mental illnesses. Identification of symptoms includes recognition and knowledge of indicators of imminent danger, harmful effects and future solutions through assistance and treatment when vulnerability thresholds and visibility are high. Finding and exposure to early diagnosis and resources with advanced treatment and care (InPsych, 2016). This is the very first point of professional communication and provides treatment, assistance and monitoring with a focus and comprehensive approach.

NSW Children's Commissioner 

The independent legislative agency known as the children's committee is appointed by the Commissioner for Kids and Young People. Their primary purpose is to uphold the interests of children, and to evaluate and amend the safety, education, care, safeguarding and growth laws and policies that concern them. Commissioners shall also inform and render suggestions on issues related to children and young people to their State parliament or statutory council. In order to provide children an equal vote that protects their interests, the creation up children's committees or their equivalents in all states and territories has been significant (Robert, 2017).

The independence of the government is necessary in order to have a legislative forum for children with no political power, which is concerned primarily with preserving and fostering their freedoms. Australia has a Regional Children's Commissioner and an eSafety Commissioner, as well as a magistrate or guardian in every State or jurisdiction. Megan Mitchell was announced in March 2013 following many calls for the establishment of a National Children's Commission. A regional commissary was therefore established as a core outcome of the 2009-2020 Australian National Child Protection Program.

Instead of concentrating on tertiary care of people with mental health problems, the Commission supports the development and implementation of preventive and early intervention services. Global literature suggests that proactive preventive initiatives enhance behavioral wellbeing performance, and an early detection and diagnosis of issues is a necessity to mitigate the negatively detrimental impact of mental disorders on societal participation and working environments. The percentage of individuals seeking treatment for a psychiatric condition is half the amount of physical conditions equivalent. About all schizophrenic patients seek treatment but just 60% are influenced by depression; 35% are impaired by anxiety and 11% by alcohol use disorders. Early intervention and avoidance will save: the emphasis on care is quite costly (Torres, 2016). Planed and organized intervention may minimize expenses, energy, misery and a lot of dislocation in society and workforce. Policy is not at variance with the desire for mitigation. According to the PPEI Action Plan: The tremendous strain correlated with mental health issues and depression may be greatly minimized by medical services alone. There is a great need to promote global, national and regional policy implementation, mitigation and early detection and to draw up a concrete roadmap for improvements in initiatives in these fields.

World Health Organization (WHO)

The 66th World Health Assembly endorsed the "Action Plan for Mental Health 2013-2020" in May 2013. During the 72nd World Health Assembly this action strategy has been expanded until 2030 until maintain conformity with the Sustainably Developed Agenda 2030. The program would help nations to meet their Sustainable Development Goal 3.4 by 2030, minimize non-communicable disease deaths by one-third by prevention and recovery and improve mental wellness and well-being. WHO started a mental health action plan stating that the individuals of mental health problems must successfully follow the intervention plan:

  • Mental wellness and social welfare programs are harder to access.
  • Provided care in community-based environments by trained health professionals.
  • Participate in the reorganization, delivery and review of programs in order to properly serve patient needs care
  • Enhance exposure and involvement in job and civic life through government medical care, healthcare and nutrition services.

By the time innovative prevention approaches relied on global awareness of mental health issues in culture, the anticipated expectations, beliefs and philosophy of the group, and a sense of schooling (WHO, 2018). The research foundation was poor and conclusions based on facts were paying little to no consideration. Owing to the growing demand for transparency and preventative and educational measures, this condition changed considerably in the late 1980s and 1990s as a specific area of study. The overall pattern toward "evidence-based" treatment was accompanied by terms such as "evidence-based education," evidence-based intervention and evidence-backed assistance. There is still a worldwide controversy about what is evidence (McQueen, 2019). "Data" provides material that is sufficient to react to concerns about the efficacy of an action; the available statistics about efficacy; the positive or the detrimental side-effects of an operation; and economic implications and obstacles to adoption. The Guide to community-based health services: Systematic analysis of the method and evidence-based guidelines (CDC, 2018). RCTs and almost laboratory projects are called evidence-based experiments and are used primarily for assessment of treatments in developing countries. However, proof may be derived and more robust guidelines may be implemented from various sources. Before implementing a technique for a variety of reasons (advocacy, study and fundraising), it is important to know what sort of proof is presented.

The Role of the Nurse in Suicide Prevention and Promoting Mental Health

The health care professionals are vital to shape more instruction on mindset and services, and will expand coverage from clinics and community care and families and school-based healthcare across the full continuum. The American Academy of Nursing supports grants for studies to promote innovative drug development and training. This also promotes the recruitment of health care professionals who are dedicated to increasing consciousness of the risks of sleep disorders in general mental wellbeing. In addition to providing a timely, efficient , and reliable program, the children are vital allies of people of trauma and mental disorder. they are often powerful advocates. The usage of nurses to tackle mental wellbeing will benefit individuals at all risk rates to avoid and improve mental wellness.

The avoidance of suicide is a worldwide issue. Any 1 in five individuals at any stage in their life have talked of suicide, and nearly 1 million deaths each year are triggered by suicide. This statistic is tragic and affects not just the individual concerned, but also their families and associates. Suicidal impulses can be fast for others and degrading perceptions for others. Feelings on suicide will shift in the way life events are reacted to (Torres, 2016). Maybe this is where awareness is required and some input on how we as healthcare providers communicate better for the patients who are feeling and doing this. However, this age group reported elevated sleep disruption and adverse health effects in this sensitive stage of development due to increasing screen time, which influence physical, cognitive and mental health effects. Such chronic sleep disturbances were related to poor mental wellbeing, suicidal thinking and self-injury. Patient service professionals are essential stakeholders for the advancement of new mental wellbeing services and facilities that will improve the exposure to clinics and primary health treatment to populations and student safety across the continuum. The American Academy of Nursing suggests grants for experimental methods and study. It further supports the schooling of health professionals who are dedicated to increasing consciousness of the risks of sleep disruption in the public sector. To order to deliver effective, reliable and thorough treatment, nurses are not only important, but also essential champions for suicidal and mentally impaired people.

References for Mental Health Promotion

Stanley, P. O. (2018). Promotion, prevention and early intervention. Australia.

Robert, T. D. (2017). EVALUATION OF SUICIDE PREVENTION ACTIVITIES. Australia: Australian Government Department of Health.

Blog, H. (2019). Answering the Call: The Role of Nurses in Addressing Suicide Prevention and Mental Health.

Dibarrett. (2019). Working to prevent suicide: the role of nurses and other healthcare professionals. University of Hull: Mental Health Nursing.

Torres, T. D. (2016). National Suicide Prevention Strategy. Australia: Australian Government Department of Health.

InPsych. (2016). Suicide prevention in Australia: Where to from here. APS, 38(1).

Myfanwy Maple, S. W. (2018). Programs and services for suicide prevention. Australia: Beyond Blue.

Scott J. Fitzpatrick, B. K. (2019). Rethinking Suicide in Rural Australia: A study Protocol for Examining and Applying Knowledge of the Social Determinants to Improve Prevention in Non-Indigenous Populations. International Journal of Public Health, 16(16), 2944.

WHO. (2018). Prevention and Promotion in Mental Health. Geneva, Switzerland.

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