Ensure the Health and Safety of Children - Answer to Question 1

a. Promoting safe sleep

Regulation: Red Nose previously known as the SIDS (Sudden Infant Death syndrome) has been determined as regulation at the national level to promote secured sleeping procedures for toddlers as well as the kids. It is important to have a secured sleeping and resting policies for a nursery so that the children feel safe and comfortable with whom he is being taken care of.

Standard: According to the Standard 2.1 (component 2.1.2) of the National Quality Standard, the easiness of every children should be served by the concerned healthcare workers. Moreover, there should be unbiased prospects to fulfil the sleeping and composure requirements of all the children being taken care of at an healthcare organization.

b. Provide positive nappy-changing and toileting experiences

Regulation: The practice adopted for positively changing the nappy of the children and providing them with a comfortable attiring experience should be such that it assists their wellbeing and wellness needs. This can contribute towards developing the learning capacity as well as the potential of the children.

Standard: As per the National Quality Standard, the diaper-changing as well as the attiring encounter is required to be executed in a manner such that it is able to manage the cleanliness principles. Moreover, the communication should be such that it is sympathetic and answerable. It should also be able to provide assistance to the literacy connection of the children in terms of the different standardized sections.

c. Promote quality mealtime environments

Regulation: As per the National Quality Standard it is important for the childcare professionals to ensure that the children are not provided them with those food products that can lead to suffocation.

Standard: As per the National Quality Standard, the Element 2.2.1, eating of health food should be practiced by child-care organizations. Moreover, they should even make it a point to provide eatables as well as beverages to children which has health benefits and which is suitable for all the children in concern.

d. Create a healthy and safe supporting environment

Regulation: As per the Element 2.2.1, every time, the care-taker of the children should be in a position to take important prevention measures as well as do sufficient level of monitoring of the children to make sure that they are not prone to any kind of a danger or loss. 

Standard: As per the Standard 2.1 the wellness of every children and their bodily exercises should be boosted and assisted.

e. Develop relationships with babies and toddlers

Regulation: As per the Early Childhood Australia’s Code of Ethics provides an assistance as to the manners in which the instructors can develop a connection with the children.

Standard: As per the Standard 5.1, it is significant to build a respected and unbiased connection as well as manage the same with all the children.

f. Develop relationships with families

Regulation: Quality Area 6 of the National Quality Standard works towards identifying an integrated connection with the family members. This plays a significant part in attaining in effective results for the children. Moreover, community integrations that are created on the basis of an energetic interaction, discussion as well as integration are known to be vital to create connection with the family of the children.

Standard: As per the Standard 6.1, a supporting connection should be generated with the family of the children. Respected connections with the family of the children is required to be created as well as managed. Moreover, it is important assist the parents in terms of taking care of their child (Barratt et al. 2015).

Ensure the Health and Safety of Children - Answer to Question 2

It is important to follow the routine of a baby because it has potential of giving the baby a sense of safety as well as consistency in terms of their individual settings. The routine for every baby is different because they are living in a different environment and they are developing a routine as per the concerned environment (Veitch, 2016).

Ensure the Health and Safety of Children - Answer to Question 3

  • A child will start to frown and look irritated if he needs a rest or a sleep.
  • A child will start to pull his or her ears (Vermeer et al. 2016).
  • A child might also start to such his or her fingers, which is considered to be great indication that the baby is looking for ways to go off to sleep.

Ensure the Health and Safety of Children - Answer to Question 4

  • The skin texture of the babies will change if he or she is in pain or distress.
  • The baby will look away from anyone.
  • The baby will push his hands or legs (Patterson, et al. 2017).

Ensure the Health and Safety of Children - Answer to Question 5

  • Parents can use the technique of involving the babies in activities like singing, reading, dancing and talking. Moreover, the parents should themselves take part in these activities with the children (Moon et al. 2016).
  • Parents should not force the babies to play with other babies but they should make them play alongside with other babies.
  • Parents should work towards being an emotional mentor for their babies. They should be able to regulate their unfavourable emotions under in control, then only the child will be able react politely with other babies.

Ensure the Health and Safety of Children - Answer to Question 6

0-6 months- Breast milk or formula milk is sufficient for the 0-6 months old baby. No, other fluid is required for the baby of this age group. Gradually, solid items could be added to the baby’s diet. No extra fish additions should or even vitamins as all are included in the breast milk or even in the formula milk (Miller, 2020).

6-12 months – 2-3 spoons of mashed food is required to given to the baby four times and this will serve as the complete healthy diet for the baby. Different kinds of dairy foods should be given to the babies. Moreover, in between 9-11 months chopped vegetables, fruits can be added to their meals instead of giving fluid like foods. Water and fruit juice is also a important component for their diet.

12- 2 years- At 12 months, nutritious snacks can be added to the child’s diet, for it is very much essential for the health living of the baby. Moreover, ¾th to 1 cup, 3 to 4 times in a day along with two snacks in between the essential meals.

Ensure the Health and Safety of Children - Answer to Question 7

As per the government of Australia it is recommended to assist and boost complete breast-feeding among 0-6 months old babies. It is also recommended to go on with breastfeeding till the baby is 1 year old and gradually add solid items to the baby’s diet. Moreover, it could even be continued for a longer period of time, if the mother is willing to do so and if the baby has the willingness to take the breast milk. The government recommends breast feeding from 0- 1 years of a baby’s life, it is considered to be advantageous both for the baby and the mother (Lucas, et al. 2017).

Ensure the Health and Safety of Children - Answer to Question 8

Nursery Room Handouts

Nursery rooms should take relevant measures to provide a secured environment to the babies under their care. It is important for the babies to be safe, both when there are at their homes or even under any kind of care services. There are numerous elements, which the nursery room staffs should take into consideration while taking care of the babies.

a. SIDS also known as the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is when a baby below the age of 1 dies all of a sudden wherein no specific reason is associated with it. It is only possible, if no cause of death is determined even from the scrutiny of the place of death, post-mortem or the medical record of the infant. In such a situation, the infant is well until he goes to bed, moreover there are even no indication that they have struggled in their sleep and they are also determined to be sleeping in the same angle in which they have been put off to sleep (Gaydos et al. 2015). In this context, the nursery room employees should ensure that the babies are sleeping on their back and not on their stomach each and every time till they complete one year of their life. Furthermore, care should be exercised that the baby is not sleeping on a soft surface or even in the waterbed, as this will block the passage of air. Precautions should be exercised to maintain the temperature of the room, as excessive warmth in the room increases the scope for SIDS.

b. It is significant to build a secured attachment because it assists in the brain development of the children. It has been determined that the brain of a child develops at a very fast rate in the initial three years of his or her life. Thus, the different encounters the child is making, shapes the development of his brains. Thus, if a child is feeling secured and being cared, his brains can make use of the energy to pave way for a greater standard of thinking process. Moreover, secured attachment is connected to the development of the frontal brain that is the cortex which is accountable for making any kind of a decision, verdict or even in terms of establishing a cause for something.

c. Here are a list of preventive measures that the nursing room staffs should take while taking care of the babies:

  • The nursery staffs should exercise cleanliness with their hands using a alcoholic and water-free hand wash.
  • They should wear a gown and even proper gloves when handling the babies. Moreover, they should remove the same after they are done with the handling of that particular baby.
  • They should also sanitize the various equipment which they are using with the different patients.

d. In the dietary requirements of the babies, breast feeding should be encouraged as well as assisted. For the toddler’s sufficient types of vegetables of different shades and fruits should be encouraged. Cereals-based food, like bread, rice and barley should included in the diet of the toddlers. However, proper care should be taken such that no dissolved salt, fat or extra sugar or even alcohol is consumed by the child at any form. Most importantly, the food for the babies as well as the toddlers should be made as well as preserved using safe ways.

e. In order to take care of the oral health of the children, it is important to regulate the food or even drinks being consumed by the child. However, water is an exception in this case (Felder, 2018). Precautions should be exercised and food items like vegetables, fruits and milk products should be included in the diet of the children. It is recommended to stop to feed a child in bottle after 1 year of age. Moreover, while using bottles, proper hygiene should be maintained and it should be washed and boiled after each feed.

f. Here are the rights of a child as per the United Nation’s Convention on the right of the children:

  • Every child has the right to live, survive and develop.
  • Every child has the right to be protected from aggressiveness, neglection and abuses.
  • Every child has the right to acquire their share of education to meet their capacities.

Thus, a nursery room should exercise all the above precautionary measures while managing a baby.

Ensure the Health and Safety of Children - Answer to Question 9

The growth of a child is considered to be a vibrant as well as communicative procedure. All children are different when they are communicating with the environment that surrounds them. The different elements which they implore from other people as well as get it from others along with the atmosphere in which they are living plays an important role in framing their behaviour and thinking process. Since every child grows up in an unique environment they also attain particular behaviours from those different environment (Fallon et al. 2016). Language is on such way by means of which culture influences the growth of the children. In the infanthood of the babies, mothers belonging to different cultures communicate in an unique manner with their babies and it is due to it only that they develop an unique thinking style or set of behaviours for themselves.

Ensure the Health and Safety of Children - Answer to Question 10

Here are the different developmental stages for both the babies and toddlers:

  • Emotional- When a child reaches 3 years of age, he experiences feelings like that of being scared, feeling insulted, understanding, jealousy, ashamed as well as feel bad for a particular act committed by him or her. At this point of time, a toddler learns to get frustrated about an act or an event, moreover, they even learn to shout, cry and beat when they don’t get what they desire (Dreve, 2017).
  • Language- In this developmental stage, a child learns the potential to apprehend a particular language and apply the concerned language.
  • Physical: It includes the ability of a child to learn to move as well as stabilize. A child learns to role and crawl through the application of big muscles range. Moreover, they will learn to grasp and pick up things making use of their fingers. This is considered to be an indication of the development of the little muscles.

References for Ensure the Health and Safety of Children

Barratt-Pugh, C. and Rohl, M., 2015. ‘Better Beginnings has made me make reading part of our everyday routine’: Mothers' Perceptions of a Family Literacy Program Over Four Years. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood40(4), pp.4-12. Retrieved from https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/183693911504000402

Drever, J.L., 2017. The case for auraldiversity in acoustic regulations and practice: The hand dryer noise story. Retrieved from http://research.gold.ac.uk/20814/

Fallon, A.E. and Brabender, V., 2017. The Impact of Parenthood on the Therapeutic Relationship: Awaiting the Therapist's Baby. Routledge. Retrieved from le.co.in/books?hl=en&lr=&id=IN0rDwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PT7&dq=frustration+and+irritation+indication+of+babies&ots=eVFMccEv7z&sig=J773P1jhoh2z

Felder, F., 2018. Changing Nappies: A Duty for Teachers in Inclusive Classrooms?. In The Palgrave Handbook of Education Law for Schools (pp. 429-444). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. Retrieved from https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-77751-1_20

Gaydos, L.M., Blake, S.C., Gazmararian, J.A., Woodruff, W., Thompson, W.W. and Dalmida, S.G., 2015. Revisiting safe sleep recommendations for African-American infants: why current counseling is insufficient. Maternal and Child Health Journal19(3), pp.496-503. Retrieved from https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s10995-014-1530-z.pdf

Lucas, P.J., Patterson, E., Sacks, G., Billich, N. and Evans, C.E.L., 2017. Preschool and school meal policies: an overview of what we know about regulation, implementation, and impact on diet in the UK, Sweden, and Australia. Nutrients9(7), p.736. Retrieved from https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/9/7/736

Miller, J., 2020. Breastfeeding Support Team: When to Add a Chiropractor. Clinical Lactation11(1), pp.7-20. Retrieved from https://connect.springerpub.com/content/sgrcl/11/1/7

Moon, R.Y. and Task Force on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, 2016. SIDS and other sleep-related infant deaths: evidence base for 2016 updated recommendations for a safe infant sleeping environment. Pediatrics138(5). Retrieved from trics.aappublications.org/content/138/5/e20162940?utm_source=TrendMD&utm_medium=TrendMD&utm_campaign=Pediatrics_TrendMD_0

Patterson, I., Sie, L., Balderas-Cejudo, A. and Rivera-Hernaez, O., 2017. Changing trends in the baby boomer travel market: importance of memorable experiences. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management26(4), pp.347-360. Retrieved from https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/19368623.2017.1255162

Vermeer, H. J., van IJzendoorn, M. H., Cárcamo, R. A., & Harrison, L. J. (2016). Quality of child care using the environment rating scales: A meta-analysis of international studies. International Journal of Early Childhood48(1), 33-60. Retrieved from https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13158-015-0154-9

Veitch, R.C., 2016. Lay home visitors' and clinicians' experiences of supervision, programme efficacy, rewards and challenges in the Ububele mother-baby home visiting project (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from http://wiredspace.wits.ac.za/handle/10539/20708

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